Pilgrim Notes

Reflections along the way.

Day: October 18, 2006

Chutes and Ladders for Adults!

Tate Modern Museum unveiled a new art installation. Slides for adults. If they add the ladders, everything will be complete! (via Artkrush)

Let the freenzy begin

Universal starts legal games against video sites with lawsuits against grouper and bolt. Well at least their not suing some 12-year-old girl.

Are you a freeranger?

Pajamas Media has been running a contest to name the vast ocean of Americans who do not identify with the far right, far left, liberal, conservative or even moderate labels. After a rigorous voting process, the results are in…Freerangers!

Only 21 Days Left…You Better Hurry

If you’re going to post anything to the Yahoo time capsule, you’d better do it in the next 21 days. I just noticed this today, but it’s another cool form of human connecting. While there is no direct sharing going on between participants, it does give a sense of human connectedness.

I Hold the Lion’s Paw

Before you get totally immersed in technobabble world today, why not pause and listen to the thoughts of a 14th century Sufi mystic.

I hold the Lion’s Paw
Whenever I dance.

I know the ecstasy of the falcon’s wings
When they make love against the sky,

And the sun and the moon
Sometimes argue over
Who will tuck me in at night.

If you think I am having more fun
Than anyone on this planet
You are absolutely correct.

But Hafiz
Is willing to share all his secrets
About how to befriend God.

Indeed dear ones,
Hafiz is so very willing
To share all his secrets
About how to know the

I hold the Lion’s Paw whenever I dance.


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