Cultural trends fascinate me. Many of the trends moving through culture tie into larger macro trends that happen over decades and even centuries. As we begin to understand some of these macro-trends, we might have some insight where our culture is moving.

If you would like to keep up with some of the trends happing in commerce and culture here are some execellent tools that I have discovered.

Trendwatching – They have a variety of online reports exploring new developments in the consumer culture. The way we do business is changing drastically. You can subscribe to an email that allows you to receive these reports via email.

Springwise – A spin-off of Trendwatching, Springwise collects trends and insights submitted by trendwatchers all around the globe.

Iconoculture – The front page of this site may appear to only provide paid culture research. But you can sign up for their free email which comes out occasionally (not multiple times a week but more like every few weeks). The newsletter usually highlights three or four business development that relate to trends emerging in various market niches.

Trendwatching has a great Trend Unit newsletter that explores trends and the habit of watching trends. They reference a variety of other services that can be helpful in observing trends.